Learn How

Learn How?

We all know how precious children are. They are like soft clay, which can be moulded and our smallest actions are capable of impacting the shape that they would take even when they grow up.

For that, we need to think deeply about what are the qualities that we want in our children, we need to visualize our children as grown-ups and help them grow as loving and responsible individuals. Someone who understands their responsibility towards their actions and words.

We want to tell you that you are the chosen parent by the almighty for your child and you are definitely doing the best in your capacity to raise them as good people.

As a parent, our concern should be to empower their psyche towards holistic development. The first 3 to 4 years of life should majorly be utilized (to make use) to develop strong bonds, a sense of self, making them aware of emotions, love, happiness, sadness, and helping them to regulate them. These years are a wonderful opportunity to a wonderful start.

Research has shown that there are 3 factors that affect brain development:

a. Genes

b. Experiences

c. Relationships

Where genetics are affected by experiences, thus we can very consciously help our children with their day-to-day experiences and build strong relationships.

For doing the same, parents need to be educated in the right way. This is a holistic process not just for the little ones but a new life begins for us as well when we become parents.

Most of us focus upon our children when they start going to school in terms of their learning and how is their day looks like/ what is their routine but we at Being Sentient strongly feel that it is very important to focus on their early childhood years as well. Research has shown that these developmental trajectories are set up in these former years. Though it is a tough part as the infants and children are not verbal and less expressive but building a connection with your child through positive conversations, eye contact helps them understand and feel the intimate relationship that they have with their parents. Parents are the prime influence on the child’s development.

Being Sentient is all about educating parents about:

a. Respectful and Mindful Parenting

b. Science of Early Childhood Development

c. Understanding yourself (parents) first and channelizing your positive energy into your home and children.

through our workshops and one on one consulting sessions and definitely through our YouTube videos.

We aim at engaging families in the early childhood development stories. 😊