Neuroscience of Early Childhood Development- Part 1
Talking about brain anatomy to parents might sound a little too much for some but we believe one needs to understand the reason behind everything before grasping the pointers that we will talk about in the following article.
Therefore, in this article about Neuroscience of the Early Childhood Development we are going to talk about:
- The Architecture of the Brain- Part 1
- The Functions of various parts of the brain (Discussing just what is important to parents)- Part 1
- Why it is important for “US” as parents to understand this technical but very important part of the human body –Part 2
The brain is all about forming connections and the development of the brain is all about forming connections the right way. The basic brain architecture is an ongoing process that starts from the 7th week of the first trimester of pregnancy and continues into adulthood and beyond. Our genes provide the basic schematic layout while the experiences mold how and in what fashion the genes are enunciated. The experiences and genes together lay the blueprint of the brain architecture.
According to the Triune Brain Model, developed by American Neuroscientist Paul McLean, the brain is organized into a hierarchy with three distinct regions:

a) The Hippocampus

b) The Amygdala,

c) The Hypothalamus
3) Neomammalian or Rational Brain